I'm Still Here

It's been a few days since I have posted....I am sure you know why.

Monday was an adventure. It was my first time to get all 3 of us (me and the girls) ready and out the door on a schedule by myself. Well, we were supposed to be at Rachel's school at 9:00 and we got there at 9:20...not too bad, I don't suppose! Then Lauren and I headed up to the hospital for her PKU and to visit my co-workers. We were there for a little while and BLD was nice enough to let me feed her in the office...with the door locked! =) We made it back home in time to have the air conditioner man come and fix the upstairs unit...ahh....cool air again! Then it was time to get Rachel. The day seemed to go by way too fast....and without a nap!

Tuesday was lazy day and Rachel did really well. Let me just say that a lot of TV watching went on! Brice came home early to cook dinner and again...no nap.

Wednesday I actually got Rachel to school on time. Lauren and I came back home and my aunt came to clean the house. I had planned on taking a nap but after Aunt Donna left and I ate lunch it was time to go get Rachel...where did the time go!!!??? Heather and Josiah came over to see us before going to church and Rachel didn't play real well with him...she was very territorial. I hate that.

Thursday...and here we are today...I think the week of no naps has caught up to me. Everytime I sit down I just about fall asleep. I HAVE to take a nap today when Rachel does...hopefully Lauren will eat and go to sleep too. Last night Lauren did not want to go back to sleep after her 2:00 feeding and I was so frustrated....in my bed she went. I KNOW...please don't lecture me. I don't make a habit of this and I know how dangerous it is. The only thing I am going to say is I am EXTREMELY careful and I HAD to get some sleep....end of that.

Lauren is 2 weeks old today and tomorrow was my original due date. In a way, it seems like I have had this precious baby for so much longer than this and still the day she was born is so vivid in my mind it seems like yesterday. Strange....

We go for her 2 week well baby visit on Monday. I can't wait to see what she weighs and if she has grown any in length. I am hoping that her weight gain is right on track so eventually I can stop waking her up at night to feed her and she can just let me know when she is hungry.


Nanja said…
Just wanted to let you know that the most recent research shows that having your baby sleep with you is not dangerous unless you smoke, or have very heavy blankets.
Lainey-Paney said…
Oh my goodness....I'm tired just reading that!

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