Serves Three Purposes

I love these DVDs!!! We also have the CDs which are just the music version that NEVER stop playing in the baby's room. A sweet friend, Cynthia, gave me our very first Praise Baby CD when I was in the hospital after having Rachel. Rachel was in the NICU and we had only lived in the city where we are now for less than a year. I was so excited that she came to see us! She was the preschool director at church at the time but I think she would have come anyway! =) It was such a treat.

I would sit in the nursery after Rachel was born and rock her and cry...literally LIKE A BABY!! I mean, I would sob! I had some emotional issues after Rachel was born. She and I were both pretty sick after she was born and I think that didn't help. I cried for about 4 months after she was born. Luckily, that didn't happen the 2nd time around. Anyway, that Praise Baby CD was what I would listen to and just couldn't fathom how much He loved me...enough to give me this precious gift. I couldn't help but weep knowing that she was all HIS but on loan to me! How special I felt! The song that I would cry to everytime it came on was "You Alone." Beautiful song.

When Rachel got to be a little older where she could sit in front of the TV...even in her bouncy seat, we would play the DVDs. They are awesome. They are like a praise and worship version of Baby Einstein. The title of my post....these DVDs serve 3 purposes...
1. Girls get to watch TV
2. I get to do some stuff around the house to awesome music!!!
3. MOST IMPORTANTLY...they get to learn about God!

They are great...we have the entire DVD collection, including the lullaby one. I believe we have all of the CDs as well.

Be blessed!



Rachel Moss said…
My nephew loves his Praise Baby DVD, too!
I understand about crying and crying when your baby is born. Each time I got up in the middle of the night to feed K, I would just sob as I thanked the Father for giving her to us.
Elaina Weaver said…
Hey... thanks for the comment on my blog. Read through some of your post. Your girls are too cute!! I'm thinking that Praise Baby dvds might make good Christmas gift for my new niece and another niece who will be here before Christmas. I've heard lots of good things about them.

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