Welcome Home!

We are in the smack dab middle of "operation clean up Christmas" time. I am taking a break! =) The husband is watching the rest of Casino Royale after fighting with our giant artificial tree. He hates taking it down! I have decided we, once again, need more plastic containers. I think my resolution for everything not fitting in our existing containers is....just go buy more! =)

Although I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas, I am kinda glad when all of the decorations are taken down. You see, I have decorations for summer, fall, and Christmas but not so much winter. So...I just put back up my normal candles that match the decor (on the mantle) and wait for Easter. When Spring comes, all I do it put out some spring-colored candles and figurines...we don't go all out. I thought maybe I would do a little more this year but with a baby due in late March...prolly not!

I wanted a particular salad from a particular place....I'm entitled....so, we went to Chapps for lunch. Brice was agreeable since he LOVES their burgers. My grilled chicken club salad was AWESOME! Rachel even ate her entire grilled cheese sandwich minus the crust...that's my girl! I went without makeup...scary thought.

Enough randomness for one day....guess it is back to the destruction and rebuilding of the household that has TONS of Reasons to Rejoice!! =)


Lainey-Paney said…
OMG, I'm EXHAUSTED after reading your catch up/Christmas post.

and the UN-decorating...I can't get motivated to get it done...

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