A Moment of Realization!

Okay, so maybe I have been living on some cloud somewhere but I have just realized some things....

1. My child...my first born...MY BABY will be 2 years old next Friday!!!! It's hard to believe until she starts throwing her fits...then she definitely seems like she is two!

2. It is November. Okay, so it is the 5th day into the month, I have changed my calendar and I have even written the date a few times but IT IS NOVEMBER!!!! Where in the world did 2008 go!???!! It just seems insane to me. Which brings me to...

3. It is almost Christmas! C H R I S T M A S!!! Wow....

4. I am going to be the mother of two in a few months. Two kids....hmm...I am very excited, don't get me wrong. It was planned and all but things are going to be harder. Again, these are my realizations...revelations, whatever....don't say, "I told you so" or I might just...probably do nothing, but still....

5. The Dairy Queen Blizzard might just be the best thing ever invented!!! Man, I love those things!

6. And the last thing...I refuse to be too political on my blog but here goes....I am a McCain supporter...I admit that and don't have a problem admitting that. I would consider myself conservative...probably on the more liberal side of conservative but conservative nonetheless. I tend to vote Republican mainly because of my value system and Biblical beliefs that life is precious and marriage is sacred. I don't dislike liberals, generally speaking, or Democrats for that matter. I don't generally dislike gays/lesbians or even those that have chosen abortion. It's just my belief system...that's all. The bottom line is, I will pray for Barack Obama. That is my responsibility as a Christian and an American...to pray for our leader. I don't dislike him...I will just pray that God leads him in making decisions for the American people. One last thing....being the Republican that I am I think it is kinda bizarre the way that people (okay, Republicans) are reacting to him being elected. I have heard people say that the world is coming to an end, our country is going to fail, and many other devastating things may happen to our country. I do not feel this way at all. I think we are going to be okay. I mean, come on...this is not the first Democrat, pro-choice, pro-gay/lesbian marriage person we have had in the White House. I don't understand why this time it is so different than when, say, Bill Clinton was elected. Of course, then I was too young to remember if people reacted this way then too...I don't know. That's all....

Okay, I have these light bulb moments often...maybe I should share more often....


Ben and Bethany said…
man - I just blogged about the same thing! Guess God was weighing on both of our hearts. Oh and Jackson had his circ done since he couldnt have it done at birth. He had to be put under, which made it scary, but the good Lord brought us through.

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