Boy or Girl?

So...a lot of you know that I am now 20 weeks pregnant. I have my next doctor's appointment on Monday with sonogram first to hopefully tell us the baby's gender. I was going to post a picture to help with guesses but I haven't taken any. is what all of the "prediction websites"'s another girl.

My guess is that it is another girl. I don't have any reason to think that really. I just think so. I have had other people tell me girl too...again based on nothing scientific. However, I thought the majority of the time (until they told me it was a girl) that I was pregnant with Rachel that I was having a'll see!

Honestly, I do not have a preference. I really wanted a girl the first time and I got her! So....I don't have any girls in my family and I think it would be fun for Rachel to have a sister but then again I think I would like to have a boy too. So...I really don't care at all.

Names?? For those of you that were around when Rachel was born, it will be the same way. No names until the baby is birthed! SORRY! That's something Brice is adamant about.

I will update on Monday to see if the little girl/boy let us see what he/she is!


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