Letter to Lauren

**Yes, I changed the title of this post....when I realized that it is Wednesday not Thursday! =)**

Dear Lauren Elizabeth,

You are 6 months old now!! How is that even possible? It seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant with you and couldn't wait to tell the world...and I did (against Daddy's wishes). I couldn't help it! I was so excited about another baby....about YOU!!

You are my 2nd born. People say you don't take as many pictures of the 2nd as you do the first. I am not sure that is true for us, but if it is, please don't believe it is because I love you any less...I am just a little busier! =) I have kept to my picture taking tradition though and you have had professional pictures taken at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months and I will continue....9 months, 1 year, etc....you change so much it is important to capture that.

I love the moments that I have to spend only with you. I love rocking you (although you don't so much love it), I love kissing your chubby cheeks (I think you like that because you give me slobbery kisses on my cheeks), and I love hearing your belly giggles as I tickle your fat little legs or under your chin!

You're a momma's girl. Sometimes that melts my heart and other times I have to remember that you won't be that little for long and give in. When I walk in the room, you get excited and that excitement quickly turns to disappointment if I don't pick you up. You like Daddy but he doesn't feed you. Even if eating is all you're interested in when Mommy holds you, that's okay...I'll take what I can get!

I remember feeling you kick around in my tummy...there were days when I wondered if you ever got any sleep in there. You were so active! Even though I miss those days I am so glad that I have you here and in my arms. I remember the first time I held you. You were new and when you were lying on my chest, I wasn't sure what to do with you but I was glad you were there! You were such a big girl...the first thing I noticed. After all the problems at the end of my pregnancy, I was relieved...you were big, healthy, and absolutely beautiful!

Your first days were filled with daily trips to the doctor for bili level checks, sleepless nights (some with you in the bed next to me...something I said I would NEVER do), trial and error nursing...one of the hardest tasks I have ever accomplished, tummy aches (many of them), lots of crying, and more precious moments than I can count!!!

You are my daughter. You are my youngest. You are part of my everything. You are precious to me and I hope that you always know how much I love you!!

Your Mommy



Love the pictures and the post. So sweet! It makes me feel the need to do something similar to my boys.
Tara said…
I love the "Dear" posts and try to do them sporadically for my Andrew. I never knew how much I could love or how much a little baby could change my life until I had my own. She is beautiful!

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