Busy, Busy!

Sorry about the infrequent posts. I told myself I would do better but I have been so busy! I worked last Saturday, 12 hours! It wasn't crazy busy but that's a long time to be away from my kids and husband! He had to put them to bed by himself...bless his heart!!! =)

I have had IV infusions the past 3 days. I have been given 3 doses of Magnesium Sulfate to help with my migraines/frequent headaches. So far, I don't have headaches when I wake up. Let me just back up and say that when he told me I would have Mag, I about flipped out. After I had Rachel, my blood pressure was so high, I had to be put on mag for 48 hours. It made me feel so incredibly crappy and I knew I didn't want that again. The good news: it was a MUCH lower dose and when I had it before, the IV was wide open and this was a lot slower. It didn't make me feel bad at all...could barely tell it was going. Bad news: I now look like an IV drug user...well, I guess technically I was, but...you know what I mean!!! =) I have 3 pokes. They originally put in an IV to last all three days...IMPOSSIBLE with two small children at home. I could not bend my elbow...not cool when you are nursing! =) So, that's done. Let's see if it helps in the long run.

Tomorrow I start a Bible study at church. It is the Beth Moore Esther study...CANNOT WAIT! I am so ready for something like this. Love Beth Moore but she is tough!!! =)

I hope to take pictures of the girls at some point....haven't done that in awhile. I have still been busy planning this STUPID reunion!!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER again!!!! If I have to plan it, we will not have any more. 10 years is the only reunion we will have. My class is full of losers who want to complain about no one doing a reunion and then no one sends money when it is planned. It has just about been the most frustrating thing ever! Enough about that...I am getting frustrated all over again!

Until next time....



Cari said…
Thanks for the comment!! We don't plan to keep the gender a secret just plan to do something fun to tell our family and freinds. We thought keeping the date of our appointment would keep everyone on their toes....hope you are feeling well!
Tara said…
Oh my! We do have a lot in common...social work, terrible headaches and going to school with a bunch of losers....me too! Let me know how the magnesium sulfate works. I've had the C2 block shots and that's about the only thing that has really helped mine.

I love Beth Moore but there is a lot of work to do. I've only done one but have heard a lot of people talk about the Esther study.

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