His Ways

I feel compelled tonight to write about a precious blogger friend that I have been reading about, "talking" to, and praying about for a long time now. Many of you that read my blog may read Katie's blog too. She has a precious little boy named Zach and a few short months ago had a beautiful baby girl named Reese who only lived a short time and is now in Heaven with Jesus. I started reading Katie's blog while she was pregnant with Reese and her loss just hit me like a ton of bricks because Katie is just precious. PRECIOUS! I just cannot say it enough. It is a small world because she actually is from the same area that my husband and I are from and her brother went to school with my husband as they are a little closer to the same age.

I have communicated with Katie through email and regular mail and have sent her a few things. I did a name for Reese's name gallery and I never saw it on Katie's page (I probably just missed it) but it was Reese's name embroidered on Minnie ears in front of Cinderella's castle when we took our family trip to Disney World in October. Her story just touches my heart so. I think what touches me the most is how incredibly real she is when she blogs about her feelings. It helps others in their struggles to know what she is going through. I work with women (and men) everyday who are going through the same thing and they need to know that there are other people that know how they feel. ONLY those that have gone through that can know that pain, hurt, emptiness, joy, love, frustrations, and every other emotion that comes with it.

Katie and her husband Jason found out this week that their 3rd baby (she is currently pregnant) is another boy!!! They are overjoyed! I read her blog with tears in my eyes. I loved how she put it..."GOD is filling in the broken places of my heart with His love and grace. I am certain He will use this next little baby to comfort us and give us joy in the perfect way Jason and I need." She later, in her blog, thanked Him for knowing just what they needed.

His ways are not our ways and His plans are not ours. Isn't it amazing how we can be such planners and thinkers and doers and then find out at the end of the day that nothing we planned to do happened the way we wanted but that we got through the day okay anyway?? That happens to me almost everyday. That might be because I am a very "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of a person. I try to plan but it doesn't normally work out very well. I am thankful... SO VERY THANKFUL that God's ways are not mine. My life would be so screwed up it isn't even funny!!! There are so many times when I have thought that I had it all figured out when God had to yank me in another direction.

I can't imagine the pain of losing a child 6 months ago and now experiencing the joy of a new life and all of the emotions that entails but God does. He is the giver and sustainer of life. I am thankful that He is a merciful God that knows what He is doing and offers hope and peace and comfort for those that need it when they need it.

Reason to Rejoice!!!!



I read Katie's blog and I have know of her since I was in high school....it gives me chills reading her blog and how honest and open she is with her feelings. What an instrument she is for the Lord.
Katie said…
Rikki ~

Thank you! I really needed this encouragement today. I was in Reese's nursery this morning going through her baby book, and her Minnie Mouse hat caught my eye on the shelf. I love it and see it each time I'm in her room.

Don't worry, I'm not even close to finishing her name gallery! My pictures aren't quite in order since I tried to do some seasonal pics of her
name. ; )

Thanks again for your sweet email and post. Blessings today.

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