
What in the world would I do without my mother in law???? The question of the week! She has been such a big help with everything this week. She has done the dishes, picked up the house, cooked, and helped with Rachel...oh and has driven me where I have needed to go!

Yesterday was quite challenging. Rachel has good days and bad days. Yesterday was not a good day. The interesting part is that she was only here for part of the day because she was Parent's Day Out from 9-2. She was just defiant, whiney, and just plain ornery. She wouldn't mind and I think I spanked her at least 4 times before Brice got home. She was awful! Oh, the days of a 2 year old.....

Last night was not any easier. She started crying at about 1:00. Brice went in to check on her and she was crying uncontrollably so I went in to assist. She wanted Mommy. I sat in the floor with her in what is left of my lap and played with her hair until she quit crying. She had her fingers in her mouth so I thought her gums were hurting. Sure enough, her little 2 year molars are trying to emerge and not making it easy on our munchkin. I put some Orajel in her mouth, she was it was all bewer (better) and I went back to bed. She started crying again....I went back to bed....and she started crying again. This time, I tried to put her in our bed to sleep with her daddy and I was going to go back to her room and sleep...her bed is pretty comfy but not easy for me to get in and out of right now. She didn't want to stay. I asked Brice to go down and get her some milk and some Tylenol since her mouth was hurting. At about 2:30, she finished her milk and she had the Tylenol. She FINALLY went to sleep. I went back to bed and fell asleep almost immediately. I hadn't been to sleep at all up to this point because I could not go to sleep last night...I was not tired for some reason. My thinking was that she would sleep late this morning because she was up so such luck....thankfully again mother in law is here and she got her when she got up!

Well, bed rest, is...well, not exactly BED rest. I do not rest in my BED. I do try to spend most of the day sitting in some form or fashion....mostly on the couch with the recliner reclined. I can't just sit in my bed all day. Yesterday was the first day in a while that I have gotten out of the house. I ordered some things from Walmart to be shipped Site to Store and they were ready for pickup. It was some things for baby so I wanted to get them. I also got some pajamas that I can wear now and when I start nursing and possibly at the hospital...OH and something to wear home from the hospital...BIG scrub pants! =) Then we went to Red Robin to eat lunch. I have to say that it was very good. Waitress....a little annoying but the food was great I thought. I had the mushroom burger and freckled lemonade. Good choices! My blood pressure looked really good yesterday....a couple of times it was even normal....both numbers! I think this bed not really bed rest is working!!! =)

Tomorrow marks 36 weeks!!! So, I am very pregnant!!!! As I think back, when I was pregnant with Rachel I was admitted to the hospital at 36 weeks and then was induced a week later. Again we are hoping to hold this one out until March 12th which would be 2 weeks from today and I will be almost 38 weeks! I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow.....


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