Short Post...

Got my hospital bill yesterday (well, not really a bill but telling me what they are expecting insurance to pay).....



Bubeaner said…
Matt nearly had a heart attack when we got John's NICU statement... then he realized that it was only for the first month. Thank GOD for good insurance!
Thankfully, We had incredible insurance when I had both of our kids. Paid all but $200 for everything, even the Nicu stay. But seeing this made me gasp for air! We don't currently have insurance, so the chance of having a $29,000 bill is frightening!
Hester 5 said…
Yes, insurance is AWESOME!!! Thankfully, we don't have to pay anything. We have no copays or deductibles on hospital stays. AND...that is just my stay for 15 days...that doesn't include Lauren! It was just the number that made me say out loud OH MY GOSH!
Lainey-Paney said…
glad that's yours & not mine!
Lainey-Paney said…
...i'm so hateful, aren't I???

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