
Well, I had some deeply spiritual things that I wanted to blog about but I think I will save that for another blog. For now, I will just tell you what we did over the weekend! It was tons of fun!

We flew to Little Rock on Friday to go to Brice's parent's house. Rachel was great at the airport and on the airplane. I bought a new contraption for Rachel's car seat so that we didn't have to carry her through the airport or take an extra stroller, etc. It is a set of wheels that attaches to the car seat. Sounds simple, huh? Well, it would have been if my husband had looked at the brand of car seat that we own and read the correct instructions...okay, I should give him a break...at least he did read the instructions, right??

Anywho....we got to their house and Rachel went to bed pretty soon after. She fell right to sleep but decided to wake up at 10 til 6:00 the next morning...IT'S SATURDAY!!!! Well, we put her in bed with us and she went back to sleep. Anyway, we had a HUGE feast Saturday night for Brice's parent's 40th anniversary. There was so much food and despite my dieting I PIGGED OUT!!! It was fabulous!

We went to church Sunday and visited all of our Little Rock friends. Oh, how I miss them so!!!! I just can't tell you how much I miss it. God definitely had a purpose bringing us to Dallas. I often ask myself what that is as I think about Arkansas and how much I miss it but we have made some GREAT friends here! I have the best friends that I have ever had right here in Grand Prairie. Sure, I have great friends in other places too some of my best in Arkansas, but the close relationship I have with some of the ladies here is definitely a God-send. Anyway, I digress....we flew home Sunday night after a very quick trip and Rachel was a little fussier on the way home but not bad. She did not go to sleep until 10:00 and slept this morning until 9:30 - which resulted in a bad nap today.

Welp, we are back to our routine...for a couple of days anyway. I weighed this morning and squinted my eyes at what I might see the scales say.....you won't believe it...I LOST 1.8 LBS!!! I was completely and utterly shocked! I honestly thought I would have gained weight this week after all of the wonderful junk that I ate Saturday!! YAY!!! I worked out today and we had a playdate with Chelsea and some of Rachel's other friends. All in all a good day!

Rachel and I are driving to Hope on Friday to be there for Adison's 1st birthday party and then coming home Monday. I always hate leaving Brice behind but he just can't get away for the long right now. I am looking forward to possibly taking a family vacation just the three of us sometime this fall.

That's about it. Stay tuned for the spiritually deep stuff.....

Don't forget to check out www.dropshots.com/bricerikkirachel for pictures!!!!


Lainey-Paney said…
glad you guys had fun on your trip. you'll have to post about the wheel things that hook to a car seat. I really need to know about that!!!!

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