I Love You More Today

I enjoy time with my friends...away from normal activities where we can have time to just sit and share.  I don't get to do this as often as I would like for various reasons, but when I do, I cherish the moments.

The other night, I was privileged to sit and visit with a friend that I feel like I know pretty well.  We laughed and talked over coffee (and a smoothie) and I just learned so much about her that I did not know.  She shared part of a story, a special time in her life, and it meant so much.  What I realized at the end of this evening, when I was back home, was that sharing new stories with someone that I have known for 10 years makes me feel even more connected and closer with her.  You often hear people say, concerning spouses on anniversaries, "I love you more today than the day we married."  While that can sound like a cliche there is likely a lot of truth in that statement.  Why?  Well, simply because you grow closer together each year (hopefully) in your relationship to one another.  

As I thought about this precious friendship and the time we had visiting the other night, it reminded me of my relationship with Jesus.  When I first became a Christian and asked Jesus to live in my heart, I did not know him very well.  As time went on, I got to know Him a little better by listening to preachers, going to church, praying and reading my Bible, but what happened when I would quit doing some of those things?  My relationship with Jesus would lack.  I would feel like we weren't on the same page or that maybe I didn't know Him as well as I should.  Like a friendship with a sister in Christ, if we don't talk to her for a long time, we are still friends but we may not know what is going on in their life or may not feel as close to her as we once did.  Jesus is the same.  If we stray away from reading the Bible or talking {praying} to Him every day, we aren't as close with Him as we once were.  

Our relationship with Christ grows as we seek His face, read his Word, and learn more about Him.  As I have said in my previous blogs, He longs to have a relationship with us.  He wants us to know Him more.  The only way we can grow and produce fruit is if we seek Him out and then He will show us what He would have us do.

Just like those couples on anniversaries, my desire is to "know Jesus more today than the day before."  As I listened to my friend tell her story and how much emotion there was in telling it, I was reminded that as we read the Bible, we learn about God's character, we learn about what He wants from us.  We don't have to guess about what He would want us to do - we would know Him well enough to know the right things, without question. Instead of worrying about His will for our lives, we would simply marvel in His goodness and He would reveal Himself to us without any worry or doubt in our minds.

 Jesus, help me love you more today than the day we first met.


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