Go Deeper!!!!!

Ya'll, I cannot get this song out of my head, heart, or mind right now....

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong.  I posted the actual song on my last post but read the words....

Here is the chorus...read the words to the chorus first:

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours, and You are mine

Think about it.....

Waves in the middle of the ocean.  Can you imagine?  Being in the middle of the deepest deep of the ocean with the waves up to your eyeballs and you struggling to keep your eyes above the water?  Do you picture it?  Can you feel it?  Now, think about resting and KNOWING beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU WILL BE OKAY!  GOD HAS GOT THIS!!!!  He has YOU!  He will NOT let your head go under the wave!!!!  

What is your wave??!!  Is it loss?  A child?  A husband?  Health?  Wealth?  A job?  Divorce? Your husband left you? Cheated on you?  What is your wave?  Are you so depressed that the wave is about to swallow you?  Guess what?  It won't!!!!!  Not if you call out to Jesus!  That is all you have to do.  Nothing more.  Jesus...whisper if you have to.  Rest...in HIS embrace.  He LONGS to embrace You.  


WOW.  He loves us.  SO MUCH.

Let's go back to the first verse....

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown, where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep, my faith will stand

What are we afraid of?  Most of the time, the unknown is what we are most afraid of.  What if??  But I can't because I might.... Our feet MAY FAIL.  Yes, yes, they may and the truth is that they probably will!!!  But guess what, God is there.  In the deepest oceans, where He calls us to go, with HIM, where there is unknown because that is generally where He asks us to grow and where our faith is made stronger.  But HE IS THERE!!  And all the while....

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours, and You are mine

Verse 2:

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed, and You won't start now

Grace.  Mmmmm....sweet grace.  Where would we be without it?  When we are in the deepest deep, that is when we need it the most and that is where He often grants it to us the most, no?  You often hear people say, "I don't know how you do it?" Or how about, "I can't imagine what you are going through."  Well, of course you can't.  Unless, of course, you are going through it too.  God gives grace when we need it.  His timing is perfect and his grace is sufficient WHEN WE NEED IT!  His sovereign hand.  That's a tough one.  God is sovereign and we know that but when we really truly think about that, it will blow us away.  It doesn't make sense to our minds and really, that's okay...it doesn't have to.  But as He knows all and knows what is best for us even though it may not be what we want, He guides us.  When He guides, it may be uncomfortable, we MAY fail, and we may be afraid but GOD WILL NOT FAIL!!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this line...


And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours, and You are mine

And then here it is...the climax of the entire song...the bridge.....

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

My trust is without borders....ANYTHING is game!!!  I am trusting You, Holy Spirit to lead me ANYWHERE!!!!  I will go WHEREVER You would call me!  Take me DEEPER than MY feet could ever wander and I LOVE THIS....and my faith will be made stronger because, remember, this is fearful and uncomfortable so the ONLY way we can say this and go this way is by FULLY trusting in the Lord to take us!!!  Here it is.....

In the presence of my Savior.

For I am Yours, and YOU ARE MINE.

I love music and many times I can find music that speaks to me but this song...BLOWS ME AWAY!  I LOVE the lyrics!  Yes, it will hurt.  No, it is not comfortable and it is scary but God goes before us and He asks us to trust Him.  Do you want to go deeper?  Are the waves engulfing you?  God's got whatever it is that you feel like is taking you under.  He loves you!  He desires to go deeper with you (and ME).  But one of the things that He keeps telling me is LET IT GO!!!  It will continue to drown you if you do not hand it over to Christ and allow Him to heal you.  Don't dwell on the past and the hurt.  You cannot go deeper if you are stuck on the surface.  I cannot wait to go deeper with Him.  


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