New Year's Resolutions - 2013

I will go back and post about Christmas later but I wanted to do a quick New Year's post! 

We have been gone for a week to Arkansas and that was an adventure I will tell about later!!!

I try to do some kind of goals (resolutions) for the new year each year and it ALWAYS includes losing weight.  This year is no exception but I am not including that in my 5 goals for the year.  They are as follows (in no particular order although I would say that the last one is the most important).

1.  Blog more regularly (every day or at least every other day)
2.  Eat at home more/plan meals more
3.  Organize my home
4.  Consistent daily quiet time
5.  Exhibit the fruits of the spirit more towards those around me so that they may see Christ in me.

Happy New Year and may you all be blessed!!! :)


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