After Christmas Vacation

I know you are tired of my "I'm behind" posts but I will catch up....I'm working on it!  :)

Sooo....when we had children, I was VERY adamant that our children would spend Christmas morning at home.  We have stuck with this.  We leave the day after Christmas for Arkansas to see family.  This year it started snowing on Christmas morning in Texas and Arkansas got weather even worse.  They had, in some parts up to a foot of snow!! In Little Rock, they had 10 inches and lost power with down trees.  Brice's parents lost power and did not have it for several days.  We ended up staying at my mom's house for an extra day and then we spent the night in a hotel in Arkadelphia and did Christmas there with Brice's parents and his brother!  It was quite an adventure.  Several times I didn't even know what day it was!  Hannah did not sleep well, my kids were crazy, it was cold and it just adventure! :)

The girls loved spending the night in a hotel and seeing all of their family.  It was a good time, just a bit stressful!

I didn't take many pictures but this was a picture from the drive was GORGEOUS!!!

We stopped when we got to Hope to visit my grandparents and the girls had a great time laughing with them.  They had a giant Santa and a giant Grinch that danced and sang.  Hannah HATED them and Rachel loved them.  Lauren was pretty indifferent.  Here is a picture of Rachel dancing with Santa.

After we were able to get to Brice's parents, it was much more relaxing.  At one point, it was nice because I looked around and we were all either on our phones or on iPads...even the kids!!! 

I love Arkansas, I really do.  Everytime we go back, my heart bleeds to be back.  It is just small and friendly and it is...home.  Even after living in Texas for my first 14 years of life and being here now for 7 years, I long to be back in Arkansas.  I love everything about it.  I know that eventually we will be back there.  I would love to live in Northwest's beautiful.  One of my favorite things to do when we go back to Little Rock is to visit Immanuel Baptist Church.  It is where Brice and I met and it is where we got married.  I love the church!  We still have many many friends there.  It is a beautiful place! I know that people have things to say about's size and I don't want any comments about that on this blog.  It is God's House and there are amazing things going on there.  It is a great church!!  Here is a picture of the service we went to while we were there.

All in all, it was a good trip but I am SOOOOOOO glad to be home.  It is a new year with new expectations and goals!  I have so much on my plate and God is good!  We are blessed and pray that you are too!


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