When I was a little girl I wanted to be liked. I know that this probably does not come as a surprise or does it likely make me different than most any other little girl out there but I had a very unhealthy idea of what a friend should be. You see, I thrived at school. Most people at school did not know what I was hiding back at home. I was longing for friendships and relationships at the little elementary school down the road to feel loved and important and something permanent and just...stable, I guess. What was at home was scary and just horrible. I was the little girl that just longed to be popular; to have more than I had or ever really would have. I knew that I would have to eventually go back to that "world" at home when the bell dinged and the big yellow bus carried me back to my scary place, but for eight GOOD hours, I was in my zone. I was in my world. It was my created fantasy where I was the, for the most part, good child. ...