Take A Minute Tuesday

Taking a minute today to just remind myself that what I feel does not define who I am.  The things that I may go through in a day does not negate what Christ has done for me.  When I have a bad day, it is simply that, a bad day.  It does not mean that I am a bad person.  It does not mean that people do not like me.  It does not mean that I am any less of a person than I am on a good day.  When my world around me feels like it is crashing down, I have an unchangable God who is with me, always.  He walks beside me.  He loves me no matter what.  Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man.  He suffered so that He would know what it would be like for me to suffer.  I almost kind of chuckle when I think about this.  Not because it is funny but because what I go through pales in comparison to what my Jesus went through.  Then.  Right then is when I decide that my day really wasn't so bad after all.  I do think that it is okay for us to have our days when we have our "moments" and cry and say, what in the world?!  But, when we choose to stay in those moments and continue without moving forward is when we have a problem.  Not only that, but there is almost certainly someone else who has had a much worse day than me. 

"Knowing that Jesus Christ is sympathetic shows me that I am not alone." ~Jen Wilkin

Sure, yesterday was a rough day for me.  I did not want to "adult" as I like to put it.  Ha!  I was glad when yesterday was over.  Why? Because God's mercies are new every single morning.  Today, I got up, thanked Him for today and read His Word.  I did the same thing yesterday.  Will today be filled with the same unexpected twists and turns?  No, but there will be things that will annoy and irritate me, I am sure.  I also know that God is the same today as He was yesterday.  I have a new perspective today.  I am going to CHOOSE joy today.  Satan will try to stop that.  He does not want me to be joyful in the Lord but I have my armor on and God is walking beside me.  I have friends praying for me.  God is good and He is faithful!  I am such a blessed girl and I could not ask for much more!  Why would I not have a good day? 

"This is my command - be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9


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