Lauren is 9 months old!!! ~ a week ago!

What's this girl up to?

Let's see....she weighed 20 lbs, 14 oz and was 19 inches long!!! What I am so excited about is that she is out of the 100th percentile for weight!!!! She was only 80th! YIPPEE!!!! The doctor, of course, said see was perfect. She tries to crawl but doesn't succeed really which is a shock to me since Rachel was already crawling by now. That certainly does not mean that she doesn't get where she wants to go! She rolls EVERYWHERE!!!
She gets up on all fours and rocks, goes backwards and even goes a few "steps" and then falls on her face. She could do it if she wanted but I think she just chooses not to! She can get from a lying to a sitting position without help. She is pulling up some...not very much to her knees. She isn't crazy about standing but she can. She has 5 teeth...just noticed another one last night! She is doing well at daycare and takes really short naps but is getting better at that. She is COMPLETELY weened from the breast now. Yes, that does make a little sad but she is doing fabulously! She takes less than 1/2 her bottle of formula mixed with the rest breast milk. I still have a lot of milk in the freezer so I hope to be able to give her somebreast milk with every bottle until she is a year old. We have started giving her little table food things to eat and she isn't crazy about that. She is just completely opposite Rachel in that regard. Lauren loves to be pampered to and Rachel is so independent.

Lauren is just a sweet sweet baby. Still doesn't have much hair! She has been sick for about 2 months and it breaks my heart! I guess that's what happens when they go to daycare. She had RSV and is now just coughing but it's pitiful! I am ready for this all to be over! I cannot believe that she will be a year old in 3 months. It just doesn't seem possible. I love that little girl!

Yes, her clothes are dirty in this picture!! That's what happens when you wait till the end of the day to take pictures!



She is still adorable with dirty clothes! Happy 9 months, Lauren!! Her birthday will be here before you know it.
Anonymous said…
Serously, she stood for a while yesterday with me holdering her up. She didn't want to sit back down!! She just an adorable "talkative" little girl. I just love her.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I didn't sign my post.

This is Erika

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