So Many Little Things To Do
I have had this list of things to do for the past week or so. Included in that list: grocery shopping, exchanging some things that I bought that didn't fit, voting, rescheduling appointments, making appointments and the list goes on. I got some of that done today. I had a jewelry party in the middle of the day so I just took Rachel to daycare (school, as she calls it). It was actually kinda nice. I was able to go to Babies R Us and get some things and do the jewelry party then take a nice nap (if the phone would have quit ringing), and then exchange a dress that I bought for Rachel for Christmas that was too small. I also got my flu shot arm hurts. I have another jewelry show tomorrow during the day so she is going back to school. Hopefully I can get some more things accomplished. I really hope to vote tomorrow. Not much new happening in our world. It is 11:34 PM and I am still waiting on Brice to get home. He had a meeting at church tonight regarding the ch...