Forty Years
Forty years almost seems like a lifetime to almost is an entire lifetime for me. For forty years women have been having legalized abortions in the United States. Approximately 40 million babies are aborted each year. That represents A LOT of babies but it also represents A LOT of women. It is horrific if you really think about what abortion is. Let me tell you what it is not.... *It is not "the easy way out" *It is not something you can just forget about *It (the baby) is not "just a ball of cells" *It is not a decision that only affects the mother It is murder. It is, in many ways, a permanent solution to a temporary "problem." It is heart breaking to think of what happened to an innocent baby. It is also heart breaking for many years for the mother (and many times father) who chose the procedure. It is physically, emotionally, and often times spiritually difficult...and let me just say, that's putting it mildly. Jane Roe (Norma Mc...