He Is Risen!

I love Easter!  I just has a "feel good" tone to the entire day!  For me, Easter has not always been about what Christ did for us because growing up I didn't really learn the details about those things.  I think I had the knowledge in general that Christ died and rose again but did not really equate that with Easter.  That is something that I want to be totally different when my girls think back on Easter.  My girls are still young but I want to always instill in them the Biblical reasons why we celebrate Easter and Christmas.  We are created by God for the sole purpose of worshipping and loving Him ~ nothing else in this life matters!  That is the message I want my children to understand. 

This song is what this holiday is about!

We had nursery duty yesterday so Brice and I got to celebrate our risen Savior with 3 and 4 year olds!  Four of them!  We love those little guys!!  They were full of energy and so much fun!  The girls looked adorable in their Easter pretties! 

The girls were off school on Friday and normally I have to work but I had to trade my Thursday off for Friday and spent the day with my 3 little sweeties!  It was kind of a flashback to my SAHM days but just added another baby!  I have to tell you what all I got done...yes, I am bragging!  I was proud of myself!

*Shower (yes, this is big...SAHM understand!)
*Two oldest girls shower (yep, shower...that's what they wanted)
*All dressed and out the door by 9:30!
*Post office
*Sonic (McDs drive-thru was ridiculous)
*Home for naps
*Washed 3 loads of clothes
*Cleaned the kitchen
*Swept and mopped non-carpeted areas
*Kids played in the sprinkler outside
*Baked cupcakes
*Fed baby
*Dinner with kids and hubby
*Boiled eggs
*Decorated cupcakes
*Dyed Easter eggs
*Hannah bath and bed!
*Bed before 10:00!

Hannah's first park swing

Yes, it was a successful day and I felt great being with my kids!!! 

Saturday, I took a little time to myself after the church Easter egg hunt and went to the mall with my friend, Angie, to watch October Baby.  INCREDIBLE movie!!!  I will do a blog review soon!!



Rachel Moss said…
You get way more accomplished on a SAHM mom day with 3 kiddos than I ever do with just one!

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