Hannah is Six Months!

Hannah Grace, you are 6 months old (and some days)! 

You have officially entered my most favorite baby stage ever!!  I love just about everything about it!  Your stats:

Weight - 17 pounds, 15 ounces
Length - 26.25 inches

You are 75th percentile all the way around...except head and that is 30%.  I like little heads! :)  Your appointment yesterday went great!  You are just growing and a little joy!

You wear 6-9 month clothes exclusively and have even worn a few 12 months but they are pretty big!  You are in size 3 diaper and don't wear shoes much!  It's hot outside and Mommy prefers to be barefoot and can't so you get to! :) 

During the week, you nurse in the morning and before bed and have two 6 ounce bottles during the day.  You nurse more on the weekends.  You also eat 2 jars of baby food a day!  You DO NOT like green veggies at all!  You gag and make a horrible face!  You LOVE carrots, sweet potatoes, and peaches.  I want to try avocado today!  It's green so we will have to see!  You still do not have any teeth and Dr. Hull says no sign of any right now!

You still take Prevacid twice a day and it seems to be helping your acid reflux.  You also got started on another medication this past month that you take 10 minutes before eating 3 times a day - Bethanechol.  You are not sleeping on a wedge anymore and we FINALLY got you out of the swaddle blanket. 

One of my favorite things about this stage is that you are so curious and starting to get more active.  It is such a joy to watch you learn and discover new things.  You are grabbing for anything that comes into your reach.  You have pulled my earrings out of my ears more than once.  Once you get something, it goes straight to your mouth!  You love to eat chew on paper.  Crazy girl! 

This past month you spent the night in the hospital for some testing.  It was not super fun but you were such a trooper!!  The tests helped mommy and the doctors make you feel better...I think it worked!  The staff at Cook Children's Hospital were amazing!  You were officially diagnosed with tracheolaryngomalacia which you should outgrow. 

You still aren't rolling over but I really think it is because you don't have any desire!  I think you could if you wanted.  Maybe someday!  :)  You are trying to situp and are happier when you are sitting but can't do it by yourself for very long.  We are working on it.  You are constantly trying to situp when you are laying down and I know your ab muscles have to be awesome! :)

You have SERIOUSLY turned into the best baby!!!  You are happy pretty much all of the time unless you are sleepy or hungry.  Your smile is absolutely contagious and nothing makes my mommy heart happier than hearing you giggle!  You LOVE your sisters and the puppy dog!  You are intrigued by your daddy and when he walks in the room you instantly turn and smile at him.  I may have yet another Daddy's Girl on my hands!!  You are sleeping MUCH better!!!  You go to sleep around 7:30 and sleep until around 5:00, eat  and then normally go back to sleep until around 7:30.  You seem more comfortable now and I am so happy!  You are my favorite 6 month old!!! 

I love you sweet baby girl and look forward to many more milestones with you!!


Lainey-Paney said…
The bigger the bow, the more your mommy loves you.
Your mommy must love you a LOT!
Rikki, it's Jenna Whiteheadfrom church...I follow Kelly's Korner and saw your picture on it! What a small world!
Lauren said…
Love the smocked dress and the big ol' bow! Your family is beautiful! Just found your blog today, and I'm so happy I decided to stop by.
Anonymous said…
All you talk about on here is your youngest girl. What about the other two?
Hester 5 said…
OH, anonymous...you know, I must not love the other two as much!!! I mean, really?!

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