Back to the Grind

So, I am not doing great on my goals for 2012 but I have 11 months to get on track, right?! :)

Let's see, I have not blogged 3 times a week and I have not even begun reading anything! :( BOO! I will get better! I am actually in the process of getting a blog makeover so it will look all pretty soon! :)

I started back to work and I am so glad to be back! Hannah is doing...okay. She has ceased sleeping through the night...lucky me. I am actually at a loss as to what to do. I get frustrated and anxious even thinking about it. She was doing so well and now I am not sure if it is because she is at the point where she wants to stop being swaddled, because she has a stuffy nose, or because she is going through a growth spurt...or perhaps...all three?! I don't want to let her cry because I am not sure if she still feels bad because of her little stuffy nose. If things are better by the weekend I am going to go with toughing it out...I don't know what else to do. I have to get some sleep and she would be so much happier if she slept as well.

She is doing well at daycare. She sleeps better some days than others but she has been so much happier during the day. She is just playing and laughing out loud (melt my heart)! She really is a sweet little roly poly! :) She weighed 13 lbs, 10 oz at the doctor this past week! :)

Everyone is adjusting to the new schedule. There are so many changes going on at work and I think they will be good although change is always hard.

Hoping to see you again...sooner rather than later!!! :)



Anonymous said…
So sad that you have chosen to return to work and neglect your family.Maybe you do not value children as evidenced by your previous action of terminating a baby .
Lacy said…
Rikki you are a wonderful Mother and person.. The above anonymous comment is nothing more than a very unhappy coward.. Do not let them get to you!
Carrie said…
I know how MUCH you value LIFE! You walk, love your children and live as a forgiven woman (Gal 5:1)...and help bring that same hope to others who have an abortion in their past. God has a purpose for your life - filled with hope and a future! I'm saddened by the previous anonymous comment left on your blog. We ALL have sinned (Rom 3:23)and Christ had these words to say when judging others' sins: “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:6-8) Someone else's convictions about working outside the home do not define what God has called you and your husband to do. And I believe measuring your value of life against a past, forgiven issue is wrong. “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." (Isaiah 43:25)
Kelli Zink said…
SO sad that cowards can spit wicked words then hide behind "anonymous!" The character and courage that Rikki possesses puts you to shame!!! You'll choke on your words one day when you're held accountable for them I assure you!
Brian Bond said…
As a pastor and minister for over 26 years now, I can assure you that Anonymous is synonymous for "tool of the devil". Rikki, my counsel is to use the shield of faith and extinguish the post that originated with the enemy. If whoever posted this cannot give you their name it is clear indication that they have something to hide. My name is Brian Bond and I approved this post.
Bourg Family said…
I would like to think "Anonymous" is lashing out at you because he/she is enduring a difficult time right now and not just mean. I am sure that comment cut extremely deeply. The Internet gives us a sense of bravery to say things we would NEVER say to someone's face! I hope you will look at it as he/she is hurting & lashing out at you for that reason. Try not to let it stay in your mind. You made a mistake, you were terribly misinformed about abortion, & ya know what God still loves you! I have never had an abortion, but I can imagine the feelings that come along with it, especially after you learn the truth. From what I've read, you are doing a great job of redeeming the death of that baby. I would be proud to call you friend!
Lauren said…
This post prompted/comment me to go back and read your ENTIRE blog. Like since the beginning :) I just wanted to say that I think you are amazing and I am so thankful for you sharing and opening up. I think you are an wonderful woman of God and I know that He is using you in an awesome way. Your faith is so encouraging to me and thanks for being you and for loving Him. In regards to your little one and not that you want my thoughts, but maybe its a combination of everything transition, sick, etc. I would do just as you said, give it a day or two and then if she is well and still not sleeping well, maybe try the cry it out method for a few nights. Also, I am an at home mom and my sister in law works full time. We have differences on this however, what we do agree on is that our babies need healthy, happy mothers. For me, I am content where I am. For my SIL she LOVES her job and though she loves her babies, they have a great daycare they are in and she cares for them like none other when they are at home. I totally respect your decision to work and I think you are an awesome wifey and mommy! keep blogging and prayers for a restful nights sleep :)
Kelli Zink said…
Sorry if my words yesterday were less than graceous/merciful... I tend to get a little worked up and protective, I love my dear friend Rikki. Because she was obediant and courageous God was able to use her in my own post-abortive healing. To be against abortion is great; however we must be wise enough to be informed of ALL of the TRUTH in every aspect of the industry if we want to win the war on abortion! Attacking women is FAR from being the answer.
Katrina Jones said…
Anyone who knows you Rikki will know and does know that your girls are NOT neglected by any stretch of the imagination. You are an amazing mother that I have had the honor of watching nurture her kids from day one. Your ministry helping with the healing of women that have had an abortion in their past is so personal and so wonderful. God's word tells us to minister to the broken and do that in such a wonderful way. How special it is to say to a girl "I have been there and I can help you heal from it". To have God call you to such a sensitive ministry shows just how much you value life. A full life worth living! You have so much to REJOICE over.....Love you friend!
Katrina Jones said…
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Channa said…
I am so sorry there are such unloving and cruel people in this world. Rikki, you are an awesome mom! I love seeing the beautiful pictures of your babies. Thanks for sharing your life.
Christi Z said…
Rikki, dear, Anonymous obviously doesn't know you like those of us who know and love you. You have been forgiven by one else really matters!!

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