Hot Diggity Dog!!!

I wanted to title this post Ballerina Beauty but it just wouldn't fit in this particular instance....but to me, she is a beauty!!! :)

We had Rachel's dance recital on Saturday night and she was perfect...well, probably not but she was still perfect!!!! Her class - a group of ten 3 and 4 year olds danced a tap routine to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse's "Hot Dog." It was cute! I was a stage mom and keeping that many girls entertained for that long was...well, it was difficult and I am just glad that I didn't have that many children that age at once!!! I am not sure I would not be in jail right now!

Many of Rachel's little friends came to see her and she felt so proud! Her grandparents from Arkansas were here to see her to and brought her a beautiful silver puffed heart necklace before the performance. She got a lot of "star treatment."

This mommy was proud!

Daddy brought Rachel brought flowers and she loved them!

The whole group of girls



Rachel Moss said…
Oh, that costume is too cute. The group shot just multiplies the cuteness by 10! I hope we can put K in dance classes when she is old enough.
Kaydi said…
Rach was perfect! She was the best one in class. I need a pic of her in her costume.

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