Rachel's First Birthday!

Well, things have been moving way too fast for this Momma of a 1 year old!!! Rachel has been under the weather (I feel like I type this line about once ever other post!!!) She has had a runny nose forever and running fever. She had to go to the ER last week with what they thought was a urinary tract infection. Anyway, she seems to be feeling better. She had her birthday party last weekend and then another one yesterday. We have such a big family, it was hard to do just one party. She got so many gifts and books and clothes. She doesn't even need Christmas!! She got about 3 Little People playsets which she loves! She had her 1 year check up last Thursday and...SHE IS BIG! She was 26 lbs, 6 oz and 30 inches long....100th percentile for weight and 90th for length...she does have her mother's legs though...short and chubby, but for some reason, it is a lot cuter on her! ☺ I have created a slideshow of her first year. For pictures from the birthday party, go to www.dropshots.com/bricerikkirachel. Enjoy!


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