New Stuff

For some reason the 'sick bug' has bitten our family once again...starting with me, yet again!! I came down with a cold at the beginning of the week and Little Miss Rachel caught it. I am better, just have a leftover cough and Rachel is getting better. We went to the doctor today to make sure that it was just a cold (at the nurse's request) and she weighed 21 lbs, 9 entire pound more than she weighed 2 weeks ago!

Rachel has gained 2 new friends....2 top teeth!!! She now has 4 - 2 on top and 2 on bottom!! She's ready for a ribeye!! She has actually started eating chicken and french fries off Mom's plate....I think she's gonna like Chick fil A as much as I do!!! She also LOVES yogurt...I buy her the kids stuff and she eats an entire container of it. She is pulling up to a standing position now and is getting braver everyday.

That's about it...more updates as needed!!!


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