9 months old

I have been told by a good friend that I need to update...chill, I was going to anyway!

Rachel is 9 months old and the most precious thing around as far as we're concerned! She is growing just like she is supposed to weighing 20 lbs, 9 oz in the 90th percentile and almost 28 inches long in the 75th percentile. She is crawling all over the place and pulling up on furniture. What a big girl she is getting to be!

She got her first baby doll from Ms. Anita at church. It is a Cabbage Patch and she thinks Baby Maddie (the doll's name) is pretty special! She kisses her and gives her the bottle...after she takes a drink or two! ha!

I am starting to plan for her 1st birthday party which seems like it should be so far away but it's not...only 3 months!!! I bought her a special dress and it is being shipped as I type this.

Brice and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary by staying at home and eating Chinese and watching a Netflix movie after Rachel went to bed. It was nice just to be able to spend time by ourselves in the hustle and bustle of our busy daily lives. Having our little girl is wonderful but I think we sometimes forget to take time for ourselves.

Found out today that a very special friend of mine is expecting her 2nd child. Her first one died shortly after she was born and was devastating to all, especially her parents. Please help me in praying for Nikki, Scott and Baby Lang. The baby is due at the end of March.

We are good. We are enjoying being here in the horribly hot state of Texas. I enjoy staying home with Rachel and Brice seems to be liking his job. We have made some amazing friends...friends that will be friends for a lifetime. I had a discussion with one of those friends today about how as life changes, friends change and although that seems sad, I think that God intends for those kinds of things to happen. We talked about how we will always have those friends that remain friends no matter how far apart you are but indeed those friends are few! We are settling in and still missing those in Arkansas but feel that God wouldn't have us anywhere else at this time in our lives.

Enjoy Rachel's 9 month pictures...
Love to all!



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