Out With the Old

Each year I try to make a post about the year before me and what I hope to accomplish in the coming year.  This  MIGHT be the only blog I posted the entire year!  Ha!  I would make a New Year's Resolution to do better, but somehow this is low on the priority list at this time in my life.  I love blogging but rarely find time for it.

Anyhow, 2017 was a year of big things for me.  I quit working full time in April from a place that I loved in order to keep my sanity and change how I was treating those around me. Yes, I loved it but it was stressing me out to the point that I was taking out my stress on whoever came into my path. I went to work PRN starting in April but didn't really work on a regular basis until August.  

I took my LCSW exam in July and passed it!!!!  YAY!!!  I now have the highest licensure that you can have a social worker.  That was 2 years in the making and I am uber proud!!  

In October I took a full-time position at a hospital in the same system that I work in hopes that within a couple of months, I could transition into a management position.  Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case and looks like I will be working the floor for the unforeseeable future.  To say I am frustrated and disappointed is an understatement.  

I had my annual evaluation at work and scored higher than I ever have before!  I feel like that was a huge accomplishment.

I have completed several Bible studies and was able to be a part of the filming for Jen Wilkin's most recent Bible study series that comes out this month.  One of the highlights of the year was going through a few Bible studies with my friend, Cynthia.  It was a sweet time to look at God's Word and grow closer together and I will forever be grateful for that time.

Hannah started Kindergarten, Lauren is in 3rd, and Rachel is in her last year of elementary school in 5th.  Rachel auditioned and was accepted into Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy and will go there next year.  Rachel played softball for the first time and loved it, and of course, I loved it too!  This is the only year that all three girls will go to the same school.

In February, I started a small business selling Lipsense and I have actually done pretty well in this business venture!  Then, in March, I became a vacation planner with Magical Vacation Planner!!!  I work to make others' vacations magical - to Disney, Universal, various cruises, and Sandals/Beaches.  it has been SO MUCH FUN!

Brice is still doing well at his job.  We took a vacation in June to North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.  It was a different kind of trip but we had a great time!!  We were able to spend some time with our long-time friends, the Owens and it was such a special time.

In August, I went on my first trip to NYC!!!  I was able to share wonderful memories and had a great time sharing those with my friend, Rachel.  That was a time I will never forget.

I have many wonderful memories of 2017 and I cannot say that anything horrible happened.  I did struggle a lot with anxiety and depression.  It is such a struggle as you never know when it will hit or how long it will stick around.  

Last year, my word for the year was INTENTIONAL.  I wanted to be intentional about loving others, about my actions whether at home or work, and just making what I did and said matter.  I feel like I accomplished that.  This year, my word is CONTENT.  Contentment is something I have been struggling with for....well, my whole life.  I am asking for prayer in the area of contentment.  I want to be more mindful of my spending and happy in the moment.  I seem to be always searching for "more" and this year, I want to just live.....and be content with what God has given me.

My prayer is that each of my friends and family in the new year experience the love of Christ and stand in awe of His faithfulness.  I want this year to be full of love for others, tons of time with friends, and memories that I cannot forget!  

Happy 2018!


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