Something Old, Something New

I know it has been a long time since I have blogged.  What is a girl to do?  Go back and post what I {you/we} have missed or just move forward.  That is a good question.  I have started so many posts in the past few weeks and just did not finish them.  I think I will do both.  I do not think that I will post about EVERYTHING that we have missed, just recap and hit the highlights.

As a preview, 2013….I got full-force into a brand new job at a brand new hospital, I went back to school to finish classes in order to eventually apply to nursing school, Lauren turned 4, Brice turned 40, we took a mini stay-cation in the summer to a local lake, I ran my first 5K, I lost some dear friends to terrible diseases,  I grew apart from close friends, I grew closer to new friends, Hannah turned 2, Rachel turned 7 and started public school, we took a family trip to Disney World, I turned 33, I got two A's in said classes, we had another wonderful Christmas, and took a very quick trip to Arkansas and back.

All in all, it was a trying year.  I will say that more so than any other year, I believe I have grown tremendously.  I have grown in my personal, spiritual, and professional life.  I have learned what true friends are, I have learned that it is STILL hard to trust people even when your heart wants to so very badly. In addition, when you do end up trusting those people, sometimes they will hurt you…..and it is not fun.  I have struggled SO MUCH this past year with my people-pleasing tendencies and I am tired of that.  It is exhausting. I have LONGED for love and acceptance from people that really don't matter.  That might sound ugly but the energy that I have spent trying to belong, to make others happy, and just feel loved almost made me into a person that I have never wanted to be!!!  I have learned that patience is not a strength of mine…okay, so I already knew that but it has been tested more so this year than ever before.  I have learned that my husband is my strongest support and ally and I truly do not know where I would be without him.  More than anything else, I was reminded that God is faithful.  He loves me beyond what I can ever comprehend and no matter what happens or what struggles I go through, He is there.  Not only that, but He goes before me!  He paves my way and walks beside me.  What a promise!


New beginnings.  I love the idea that I can start over.  I kind of wish I could just erase everything from the past, but then again, I wouldn't be who I am today, would I?  I want to become closer to the person God wants me to be.  I want to be a better mom, wife, student, friend, and person.  I want to be able to say "no" but in a spirit of love and kindness.  I want to do a few things well and not everything half-heartedly.  I want to live for God and not others because He is the only one that matters anyway.  I want to stop worrying about what others think of me and not place so much importance on others opinions of who I am or what I do.  I want a gentler spirit (this is often a resolution of mine).  I want to love deeper, talk sweeter, gossip less, teach more, and be the best ME that God has in store!

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
~Romans 12:1-2


Sarah said…
I really enjoyed your post, Rikki! Wishing you and your family a very blessed 2014!!

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