Happy Birthday, Rachel Mackenzie

I hate that I am so behind on blogging but I have just been so stressed and busy with the new job.  I am hoping that my little vacation will help me get back on track.  I have missed the "blog-o-sphere."  :)

Rachel Mackenzie, my first born ball of energy and sensitive beauty, turned six years old on November 14th!!  I will never forget my pregnancy with her as I was a nervous wreck.  Most of you know my history and can understand when I say that I felt that I did not deserve the blessing that was growing inside of my body when the Lord decided to allow Brice and I to bring Rachel into the world.  I was constantly thinking was something wrong with her.  I called the doctor all of the time when I felt "funny" or when I couldn't feel or move when I thought she should.  Needlesstosay I am sure I drove that doctor NUTS!!!!  I even drove myself a little crazy! :S 

I was due on December 5, 2006.  I had a seemingly uneventful pregnancy until Friday, October 13th.  I had a regularly scheduled doctor's appointment that day and I was at work and said to a co-worker, "Wouldn't it be great if the doctor said I didn't have to come back to work?"  I was joking...SERIOUSLY joking but I was miserable!!!  I was only about 32 1/2 weeks pregnant but I was SO swollen and just miserable.  Well, at that appointment my blood pressure was elevated and I was swollen so my doctor put me on home bed rest.  I was not allowed to work anymore.  I was on bed rest at home from then until 36 weeks then was hospitalized because I had protein in my urine and my blood pressure was HORRIBLE and the swelling was so bad.  I had also started to have epigastric pain.  Here is the last picture I took before going into the hospital...

33 weeks pregnant
After being in the hospital for a week, I was induced at 37 weeks and after a VERY eventful delivery including a vacuum delivery, elevated fever, and Rachel being in the NICU, Rachel Mackenzie was born at 9:49 PM on November 14, 2006 weighing 7 lbs, 10 oz and was 20 inches long!!! 
Rachel is such a sweet girl.  She is definitely a first born.  She is independent and wants to do everything by herself and thinks it is her duty to help everyone and tell everyone what to do.  She is extremely smart and lets everyone know that she is.  She is very much like her momma when it comes to being outgoing.  She will talk to ANYONE which mortifies her father! ;)  She is interested in math and loves to solve problems which is just like her daddy!  She looks like me and acts like me which is scary!  She is EXTREMELY sensitive and cries at the drop of a hat which only makes me scared for the years to come. 
She is the light of my life and I love her with every inch of my being.  I would not trade this little girl for anything in the world.  Rachel,
"I love you, a bushel and a peck
A  bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and heap
A barrel and heap and I'm talkin in my sleep
About you!"


Lauren said…
happy birthday to your sweet girl!

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