God's Children
I have posted about death before and everything I said in that post, I truly believe. Today's post may seem "all over the place" but I am going to be real and transparent and just type as it comes to me. As you may have read on my Twitter or Facebook or perhaps the post below, my family has experienced loss today. Loss of a tiny baby that just does not seem real. My step-sister's 8 week old baby was found without any signs of life this morning when his mom went to check on him. Cause of death: unknown. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)...I knew immediately that is what would be listed as the cause of death. They will be doing an autopsy but I have seen SIDS come through my very ER where I work. I have experienced death of babies and people of all ages. Sometimes it just seems like "all in a day's work" but when it is personal and in the midst of YOUR everyday life, it isn't so much "in a day's work" anymore. Instead, ...