In His Perfect Time - Lesson on Friendships and Grace
I have posted about friendships on here before but it has been awhile and I want to post about something a little different today. A dear life-long friend sparked my memory today about a friendship that was mended only by the grace of God and it just made me smile. I have mentioned before that I am not the best friend to have. I don't say that for sympathy or to have a pity party or anything of that nature, but I can recognize my flaws and someone that trusts very little and has people-pleasing tendencies with the added "always thinking someone is mad at me" feeling is just not a great combination for attributes in a wonderful friend! If nothing else, I am OVERLY self-aware! :) I have ALWAYS longed to have close friends. I love being around people and more than anything I love sitting and talking and "doing life" with people. I like having my "person" aside from my husband. I heard recently on the morning radio show that I listen...