
So...I have started this new thing (it's taking me longer than I want). I have started doing some organizing, getting rid of junk, etc. I started in the kitchen. That's as far as I've gotten. It looks really good though. I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and spent over $200 on stuff to decorate my house. Back when we moved here in Feb. of 06 my friend Jana came and stayed for almost a week and helped me decorate. We had a great time. We went and bought a lot of things to decorate the house with but we only did the downstairs. We did the family room, kitchen and a little in the entry way and dining room. Then, we had a baby about 10 months later and all I wanted to do was decorate the baby's room. Well, Rachel's room was really cute and then I got pregnant again last July and after we found out it was another girl, I was so excited about decorating Rachel's new room and the baby's new room. Their rooms are super cute! That's about all that is cute upstairs. Rachel's room actually isn't finished yet. We still need to hang pictures and I have some of those Wallie thingys that are ladybugs I need to put up. Anyway, Lauren's room is adorable (I know, I told you decades ago I would post pictures...I will at the end of this post). So....I bought some stuff yesterday for our bedroom. I am so excited about decorating it! I am ready to enjoy my sleeping space. What has inspired me is that we just got new bedding for our bedroom and I love it!! I bought some matching picture frames and some greenery and decorative items. I will remove the clutter in there and start decorating...hopefully today...we will see how the kids cooperate.

Okay, first picture is Lauren's bedroom...I have added some stuff since this picture, but....other pictures are from this week.

Sorry, I couldn't find the pictures of Lauren's room....I'll take more and post them later!

Picture of a bird and her babies that live above our front door!


What a tease! I love to see other people's houses for decorating ideas. My house is in desperate need of decorating. Do you follow Kelly's Korner Blog? She is from Arkansas and each week she highlights a specific room and has her followers do it too. I don't participate but I like to look. Cute pics of the girls!!
Anonymous said…
Hey, we are on the same wave length. Much to Matt's distress, I am determined to finally (after 3.5 years) get my home decorated from top to bottom. =)

I need to remember to take before and after pictures. =)


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