Catching Up
What a crazy week we have had!! It started with us finding out that we are having another baby girl (see previous post). Then, I worked Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday I started having some heart "weirdness" where my heart would skip a beat and then beat really fast. It wasn't really severe on Wednesday so I went to sleep in hopes that it would just go away the next morning. When I woke up Thursday morning it was worse so I decided to call the doctor. I went to work anyway and got an EKG done which was slightly abnormal. I had an appointment at the doctor at 1:15. She said that she thinks I am anemic and put me on a prescription iron pill. She also told me to increase my fluid intake. I started taking the iron pills on Thursday evening and had the heart issues up until yesterday morning. I haven't had any more "spells" since yesterday morning. I guess the iron pills are working. I am VERY was odd and now I can concentrate on other