Christmastime Recap

This is going to be a very scattered and generic Christmas post. I will do a separate post for Christmas Eve,  Christmas morning and our Christmas travel plans.  I am so behind on blogging but I just ordered a planner and want to schedule blogs for this year.  I have always wanted to blog so that I can remember times with my children.  I have never had a huge blog following and secretly (or not so secretly) I have always wanted one but even if I don't ever have many people that read, I will continue blogging.  I love my blog background and I just...well, I just need/want to blog more.

Okay...first...Christmas decor....(by the way, sorry for the fuzzy, low quality pictures....most are taken on the fly with my phone)

This is my dining room table with my Lenox Christmas china.  The little Christmas trees in the middle are gold and sparkly. They were wedding gifts when we got married from a fancy store in Little Rock.

This is my mantle and I HATE that the picture is fuzzy because it is so PRETTY!!!  I completely redid the mantle and fireplace hearth this year!  The small tree is Dallas Cowboys colors Ha!  It is a winter wonderland theme.  It is all snowflakes, blue, silver, and snowmen.  I absolutely love it!!!

I really am sad that I didn't get a picture of my entire large tree because it really was beautiful but this is a picture of each of our initial ornaments. There is one for each one in our family starting with the oldest at the top.  I LOVE these ornaments so much!  Next year we will get a new tree and I am already thinking of what I want to do....which might include a friend coming to help me decorate!!!  :)

This might possibly be my favorite part of my Christmas decor.  It is my Willow Tree Nativity set.  I love love love it!! I have the entire set and it is my favorite.  I got them gradually over a few Christmases and birthdays. :)  It sits on the cradenza in the dining room.

Here is my Hannah in her Christmas clothes.  Isn't she precious?!  :)

The kiddos had a program at church and as you can see, Rachel loves to sing!!! Ha ha!!!

Lauren isn't much of a singer but she sure looks cute!!!!  :)  The fact that she got up on the stage is a miracle in and of itself! :)

Rachel discovered that she loves gingerbread.  At school, in her Kindergarten class, they cook on Thursdays.  Her teacher, Mrs. Heishman told me that she loves gingerbread.  I bought a gingerbread mix and some icing and she, Lauren, and I baked cookies together then decorated them.  They LOVED it!  It was great fun.  Here are our finished products!! :)  Great time and memories made!

I enjoyed being able to make memories with my sweet girls!!!  I wish I would have had better pictures but I loved having time with them, nonetheless.  Stay tuned for more posts from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning and then a brief post (without pictures because I didn't take any :( from our Arkansas adventure).


Vicki said…
Oh my goodness Hannah on Christmas is just adorable!!! :)
Lainey-Paney said…
Looks like a beautifully decorated home & fun with those little girls!!!! onto my beef with this post: do you KNOW the power of a food suggestion to a pregnant girl??? Now I really want some gingerbread, and I have none.
None, I tell you!

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