Christmas Catch-Up!

It is time for me to play Christmas catch-up. We have been out of town and I have been busy with the kiddos. This year has been so much fun and I will try to tell you all about it without making this post too terribly long.

We had a white Christmas Eve and it stayed for Christmas morning. To my knowledge (or recollection, anyway) this was my first white Christmas. I think it's crazy that I live in Texas and we have had more snow this year than Arkansas has! Here is our house on Christmas Eve right before we left to go to my aunt's to celebrate.
We normally spend Christmas Eve at my Granny's but this was our first Christmas without her. It was very different and I had a hard time processing how different it would be. It made me very sad. We still spent Christmas Eve at that house but it wasn't Granny' Aunt Donna lives there now. The roads were bad so we left kind of early to go home and get the kids in bed and play Santa. Here are a few pictures from my aunt's....
Here are the pictures of the girls getting ready for Santa....
This year was so much fun because Rachel really enjoyed all of the "hype" of Christmas. She was excited and I loved seeing it. It was also Lauren's 1st Christmas so that was fun. She has started crawling all over the place so she was into EVERYTHING!!!!

Rachel's big gift was a dollhouse that she asked Santa for. Lauren got a little Fisher Price (I think that's the brand) kitchen that Brice's parents got her. Rachel got a lot more stuff and Lauren got a few things.

Rachel's stuff...

Lauren's pile

We spent Christmas day at home as a family of four and it was great!! I enjoyed watching the kids play and for all of you that didn't know....I GOT A WII FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! Why, yes, I am excited!!! I love it!! I will start Wii Fit next week. Can't wait!

I had to work for part of the day the day after Christmas and then we left for our Arkansas adventure. We stopped in Hope overnight and then went on to Little Rock, back to Hope and then home. I don't have the pictures downloaded from the trip yet but I did have an adventure with Lauren and having to take her to the doctor...something that is definitely blog-worthy....but not now.

We had a great Christmas and the new year is approaching very quickly. I will be doing a New Year's post soon which will reflect on the past year and discuss plans for the new year. I am looking forward to it!



Leslie said…
Let me know how the dollhouse works out... we are planning on getting one for AG on her third birthday. Also, AG had the fisherprice kitchen and loved it...Looks like you guys had a good Christmas...Happy New Year to you and your family.
Hester 5 said…
Well, so far it has been a hit. Of course, she opened it and then we left the next day for Arkansas. I will let you know how it went. We did have a good Christmas. I look forward to hearing about your new addition soon!!! I am excited for you. Two little girls are so much fun!

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