Fall, Parties, and Football

I love fall! Everything about it really but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the weather! I do not like the heat. I would prefer it to be cold over heat but I really love the "in between" of fall and spring. Here are some pictures of Lauren from the other day when it was about 65 degrees outside....

Saturday was an incredibly busy day for us! We had Josiah's 2nd birthday party at 10:00 and then were supposed to have Gage's that afternoon but we couldn't swing both of them because I had to work last night!!! It was a busy/steady night but I was able to leave a decent hour...around 1:00. I always have the hardest time winding down to go to sleep after I get home though. I didn't get to bed until around 2:30. Josiah's party was SO.MUCH.FUN!!! Rachel had a blast. I took a ton of pictures. Here are a few of my favorites...probably more than anyone cares to see....


Birthday Boy!!

Now...let's talk football....WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON WITH THE RAZORBACKS!??!! I will admit it...I am one of those people that yells and gets mad at the games and all of that crazy stuff!! I love football! I didn't get to watch more than 30 minutes of the game because I had to go to work but SERIOUSLY!??! So...Aggies...this coming Saturday at the Cowboys' Stadium...right across the street from where I will be working!!! It's going to be nuts but I would LOVE a win out of it! I am hoping to get some Razorback earrings or a lapel pin or something to wear...I am in Aggie country...I have to represent!! =)

Tomorrow night...this is where I will be...cowboys stadium Pictures, Images and Photos

Can I tell you how excited I am??!! I like the Cowboys but it is all about the stadium...for sure!!! Pictures of that to come.....

Happy Week everyone!


Jen said…
I love the party pictures. Rachel's outfit is just precious! LOVE IT! And I'm with you about the Hogs... it has been a disappointing few weeks. We need a win Saturday!! Have fun at the Cowboys game!!! Can't wait to see some pictures from that!
Rachel Moss said…
That party looks super cute! We went to a birthday party for a little boy named Gage on Saturday...is your Gage's mommy named Staci?

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