
Showing posts from May, 2014

Hannah Happenings

I love this girl!  I mean, really.  She makes me crazy and makes me laugh all at the same time!  I often joke that if she would have been born first, she would have been an only child.  The sad thing is that I am not sure I am joking! ;)  Seriously, our lives would not be complete without her and she fits into our family just perfectly. Hannah is now 2 years and 7 months old.  She is extremely verbal!!!  Like she can carry on a full-blown conversation with anyone and you can almost understand everything that she is saying!  She is very active and runs away from me all of the time.  We are working on it.  She is into everything.  You give her about 15 minutes of freedom and she is destroying something!!!  Maybe she will be an engineer when she grows up!  LOL! She knows her ABCs and she can count to 10, maybe higher, not sure.  She displays dominance in her left hand about 90% of the time.  She loves to ...

The Day I Became a Christian

I love blogging.  Now that I am not working as much you would think that I would have more time to blog more regularly but it just isn't on my "list."  What am I talking about?  I don't make lists!!  Hmm...maybe I should.  That might help.  I digress....where was I? helps me to keep track of our ever so fast life.  It helps me to feel like I am processing different thoughts and feelings.  I am a processor.  And my hope is that my blogging will also benefit others that read it.  Maybe you can relate to where I am in life somehow or you have dealt with some of the same things that I have.  My biggest hope is that it points others to Christ and if any of my readers are not Christ followers that they know what that means and how to do that.   Today, in this post, I am going to share a part of my testimony....the road that lead me to Christ, how easy it was to trust in Him, and how you, too can do that if you...

Lord, Change My Attitude

A few months back, our women's ministry at church did a Bible study called Lord, Change My Attitude by James MacDonald.  Let me just say, it was incredibly convicting!  Even the weeks and subjects that I didn't think would be a huge issue for me proved to be where God worked the most.  I wanted to blog about it each week but my life is just a little crazy and I didn't get a chance to do that. Then, I started a few weeks ago, going through each week to share what God was showing me through those weeks and realized that it was going to be incredibly long and I would probably lose a ll two most of you.  So, let me just give you a brief overview and encourage you to do this study.  I cannot say that it was fun but I will do the dramatic and say that it was life changing! It was a 10-week study with the following subjects. Weeks 1 & 2 - Replacing a Complaining Attitude With An Attitude of Thankfulness Weeks 3 & 4 - Replacing a Covetousness Attitude Wi...